Your Logo Isn’t Your Brand

Don’t let shiny things distract you from other critical elements of your company’s identity

Brand. Identity. Trademark. Design. Image. Logo. If marketing terms like these start to sound ambiguous to you, know that you’re not alone. Particularly in the early phases of building a company brand, it’s easy to get confused by seemingly endless buzzwords and hype.

Many companies get caught up in the misconception that their logo and their brand are interchangeable. They pour all their energy and resources into establishing that symbol of their visual identity, and then fail to follow through with other brand elements which are equally as important.

There’s much more to your brand, and putting too much emphasis on your logo can hinder your ability to grow and establish lasting relationships with clients.

Your logo should serve as a visual touch point to connect with an audience, making people aware of your brand, without attempting to replace other important elements like:

– Verbal positioning — Statements that express your core values, articulating your promise and responsibilities to clients and partners.

– Visual style — A consistent look and feel in images and other graphic elements that lets your audience know they’re engaging with your unique brand.

– Ability to execute — Plans for a comprehensive, consistent roll out of material and content in a measurable way.

– Experiential elements – Superior customer service, facilities and interaction that all influence how clients react to and engage with your brand.

– Long-term strategy —Understanding of your industry, markets and audiences (today and in the future) to position your brand for continued success.

Your brand is everything and everything is your brand. Paying close attention to and investing equally in all of your brand elements will put you ahead of your competition from day one.

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