Email Marketing Still Works as an Effective Business Strategy. Learn Why and Find Out How It Can Help Your Company Succeed. (Part 1 of 3)

In 2021, Email Marketing still works. Here’s why.

The audience is growing.

Current data paints an optimistic picture for continued email adoption and consumption. Statista reported the total number of global email users in 2019 was 3.9 billion people. Believe it or not, that number is trending up. They estimate by 2023, it will grow to 4.3 billion users — tilting the data toward MORE than half of the planet’s population.

Email produces results.

Promotional and informational emails continue to fill-up all of those inboxes because marketers are getting results. DMA reports that 87% of B2B marketers are generating new leads from email marketing. Insights from DMA revealed that for every $1 spent on email marketing in 2019, businesses could estimate a return of $42. The same data suggested that nearly 31% of B2B marketers point to email marketing as the channel with the biggest impact on revenue.

Email is versatile.

Email is an effective way to share company updates, offer special promotions, or educate your audience. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 9 out of 10 marketers use email to distribute content organically. Some common types of email campaigns are:

  • Newsletters―Sent out regularly and primarily include informational content (optimally  90% educational and 10% product or promotional) or a roundup of content pulled into one easy to skim piece.
  • Transactional―Automatically sent after a customer performs an action on your website, like reading FAQs. They might also be triggered after a customer has abandoned a cart or lapsed in opening emails.
  • Informational — Used to share big company news, like new product announcements, or to educate your audience about an important update, such as a change in terms.
  • Lead Nurturing — Lead nurturing emails take users on a journey and work to impact their buying behavior. These automated, personalized emails meet customers exactly where they are. For example, once your email subscriber takes action, follow-up emails are slowly delivered to their inbox, persuading them to convert.

Email is strategic.

So, you’re probably wondering, with 100s of other emails vying for audience’s attention, how do any of them stand out? You may be thinking creative copy and engaging design. These are undoubtedly important, and we’ll cover them in Part 3, but the answer here is – a strong strategy! Without a clear picture of where you are going and what you want to achieve, even the best-looking email campaigns can fail.

In Conclusion,

Now you know why email marketing is still kicking butt in 2021. In Part 2, we are going to dig into strategy. We’ll talk about delivering value and authenticity, how personalization can boost results, and how email marketing fits into your overall marketing strategy.

The “Collectives” at TMC love email marketing. Reach out. We would love to discuss your needs and generate strategies to help you reach your email marketing goals.

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