Why You Should Be Using Omni-Channel Marketing

While we all hope that 2021 is not a repeat of 2020, we know our world just isn’t the same as it was prior to COVID-19. Many businesses have significantly less physical interaction with their clients and customers. Walk-ins, handshakes, and going to lunch isn’t happening much these days.

People are spending more time online and making more purchasing decisions online than ever before online. Social media and internet usage have reached all-time highs.

With people spending more time at home and online, some companies have seen an increase in leads and conversions, but many have not.

So, why can’t some businesses capture more leads?

Companies that are experiencing success have solid brand fundamentals and are investing in omni-channel marketing. Omni-channel marketing is providing a seamless, unified experience for your clients, regardless of channel or device.

Marketing has always been about delivering the right message at the right time, over and over again. Most marketers say that it takes 7+ touchpoints to get your target audience to react to your marketing efforts. These fundamentals are true whether you are talking about traditional marketing or digital marketing.

Audiences are inundated with messages and campaigns vying for their attention.  Single-channel strategies rarely work. 

You need a clear strategy with a comprehensive execution plan that builds multiple touchpoints across multiple channels and platforms. Blogs, SEO, SEM all could play a role in your marketing success. And, of course, all of this must be built on an authentic brand.

Defining a single marketing strategy is a great place to start. From that strategy, you can then figure out how each channel supports it and connects with your target market. If you can’t see the connection (either to the strategy or to the demographics of your target market), you should rethink that channel.

Once you have articulated your strategy and confirmed your channels, create a cohesive user experience by developing one clear, consistent message. Then, adapt the message to best fit each channel. A great way to do this is to invest time/resources into creating a cornerstone content piece that other content pieces can build off or pull from.

If you have concerns about your brand foundation, marketing strategy, digital presence, or the tactics and channels you are using, TMC can help evaluate your current plans and customize solutions for your business.

Take your marketing to the next level.

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