5 Tips for Awesome Online Presentations in a Virtual Meeting World

Invest in the Visuals

Remember that 60% of us are visual learners.

Having visuals that are professional, clear, on-brand, and on point will keep participants’ attention and support visual learners. It’s important to have summary slides that visually reinforce your point and give participants time to digest the content.

Simplify your Slides

Participants might be watching your presentation on a variety of devices with varying bandwidth. Design your slides to work on a smaller screen and keep it simple. Keep your slides as short as possible – no more than four points and two minutes spent talking for each slide. Animations can seem jerky or out of sync. If you do add movement to your slides, keep it minimal and purposeful. Limit animations to simple fades.

Keep your Audience Engaged

Most of us have an average attention span of 5 minutes or less. Adding interaction and levity to your presentation can go a long way. Consider including a short video clip that reinforces your point. Questions, forms, polls, and even white-board session tools are often built into popular video meeting platforms.

Create, Edit, Practice, Edit, Practice

It may sound a bit redundant to edit and practice multiple times, but it really will help when leading an online presentation. You’re still presenting to a group. Practice as much, if not more, than you would if you were presenting in person.

After creating your presentation, edit it. The first edit should be about content, grammar, and spelling. Once this is done, practice presenting as you would on the actual presentation day. Time yourself and note any issues. Practice several times to really nail the presentation.

Last but not least: don’t forget the basics

The public speaking and presentation skills you use in-person absolutely transfer into an online environment. Speak with an energetic tone of voice. Remember to smile. Speak clearly and pause often.

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