3 Ways to Get Started With Cost Effective Digital Marketing

1. Content

Want to attract more people to your website? Start by creating quality content. Valuable content includes everything from engaging website copy and useful blog articles to eye catching infographics and insightful videos. Producing great content can be time consuming, but it pays in multiple ways. Here’s a list of metrics you can use to justify and demonstrate its impact.

Benefits of Creating Quality Content:

  • Increase your social media engagement by giving your fans something valuable to share and talk about.
  • Help your website and business rank higher in search results. Google loves fresh, relevant, quality content.
  • Increase your credibility and position your brand as a thought-leader.

2. Organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

We all want strong organic SEO.  While no one has a magic bullet, there are definite “Google Approved” steps you can take and things you can do to better position yourself on the search engine results pages (SERPS). Here’s three top tips to get you started.

Organic SEO Tips:

  • Before you do anything else, assess your website’s SEO as it stands today. The best way to do this is to set up a Google Webmaster account at google.com/webmasters. You will need to register, verify your domain name and follow the outlined steps to set it up and start seeing your results. Google provides all kinds of information about your website’s rankings and performance and will give you tailored tips on the SEO elements your website needs to address.
  • Google prefers credible and authoritative content (tip to remember – add relevant links as this can help to make your content more credible). While length and the appropriate use of key words are both critical to achieve a good ranking position on the SERPS, high quality content is even more important. Quality over quantity, every time.
  • Don’t forget to add meta descriptions (alt tags) to your images. This is important to help search engines to understand the images (and their relevance for the page) and to include them in image search results.  This can also help people find your website, which is the reason we are doing all this SEO in the first place!

3. Social Media

Social media is no longer optional: today it is a must-have for businesses looking to increase their brand’s visibility, along with being a great way to connect with your customers. Used in the right way it can be a powerful and effective customer service and engagement tool.

Social Media Tips:

  • Choose your social media sites wisely – it’s best for smaller businesses to concentrate on a few select social media channels. Any more  than that and you might not have the time to manage them all. The only channels you should be using are the ones your customers and influencers are using.
  • Take advantage of free analytics. The major social media channels like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter give a quick and easy-to-understand synopsis of how your posts and pages are performing.
  • Consider using a scheduling tool like Hootsuite to schedule your posts to send throughout the day. Besides making your life easier, this will help ensure that you post during highest traffic times in order to increase social media engagement.

Want to learn more? Contact Jesy at jesy@marketing–collective.com

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